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  • in reply to: MY daughters introduced me to her friends as…….. #96317

    Post count: 546

    hi with some adhders tack is a bit of a problem. does she have adhd too . if not I would let her know that the way she anownced it to here friends hurt. she might not have understood that her words might hurt you .


    Post count: 546

    clamdiger,are you sure you didin’t have a younger brother ha ha. are story sounds almost the same. I think after time goes on making new friends gets harder and harder to do. I keep trying with not much sucsess. the problem seems to be reading what they are saying and thinking . I spend so much time interpeting things into things that I become my worsed enemy. so them after years ang years of this I am so insecure, I have become my worst enemy in my mind. I am a very happy go lucy until I think I here a negetive tone. it seems i get so defencive by getting loud and angry that i lose jobs freinds and people don’t want to even admit they know me so I have be come the dummy no one likes. Its funny under the work place thread and no one responded,my brain would run wild with that beating me up as we go. I know it does not mater and as long as I am com its ok well mybe I to open about my self but I think thats the only wayI can try to better myself. for me all I have is the future. just trying to make it better than the past.

    in reply to: frustration lonliness aggervation #97364

    Post count: 546

    don’t lose heart be thankfull your wife has a good job . I just got fired last week too. the thing is I am al most 50 and still don’t have a job that fits me . the job that would keep one intrested day in and day out would be great I don’t know if there are jobs like that out there. people tell me I expect to much from a job . the problem is it seems to turn into a boring poison, and when you feel like it’s killing me. don’t lose heart think of it as an adventure. so your not alone just keep looking. we are all alone and yet we are all togeather going through the same steps looking to find are place.


    Post count: 546

    hi don’t lose heart . all the things that are overwellming know are controlable.the bigest thing is to do one thing at a time. you are lucky you are very smart so take alittle time to read some of the other posts . wellcome to aplace with alot of caring people. hope it helps that you have found alot of people just like you don’t lose heart. and again welcone.

    in reply to: never ending Multi-careering #97425

    Post count: 546

    bigjimmy and billd we could be family. this is funny I have spent my life being told to just pick something. I think if they could come up with a pill for boredom this would be a big seller. ha ha . I can’t count how many jobs I ve had. the sad thing that I know enough of a lot of stuff and not enough of alot to say I am a pro at any thing. so I can relate . so now what do we do next.

    in reply to: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions #95832

    Post count: 546

    I just got firedl last week,its hard for me to tell if the people I work for are happy with me or not. I had decieded that this time I was not going to quit . so have chossen that I tryed taking everones advice and if some thing was said to me in a yelling way I would try not lose my temper. having tried this and it failing,I iwent back to yelling back. this got me fired and re hired the same day,just to find out he was just buying time to find someone else. the funny thing was it was all about working through my brakes. all I was trying to do was make sure all the work for the day was done first. Bad time of the year to get fired,o well life goes on.

    in reply to: School – Verbal Abuse by Teachers! #93869

    Post count: 546

    I went through the same . teachers when i was in school didn’t ask me if I new an anwser if they were thinking I might no. they would have no problem asking me if they thought i didn’t have the aanswer. It became a standing place to stop and give the others a chance to laugh. there were two or three of us that were dealt with in this maner. it took untill I failed grade 9 and they told me they did not want me in school. other things were going on andit did not take long for me to drop out of school. [dummy me] I spent mylife loburing with my hands, becauce my concetration couldkeep me in one place very long. It has not been easy but I am determand to learn to slow down and try learn this computer thing works. looking back I can see my adhd geting in the way.I am not like alot of you Iam told my IQ is on the low side of normal. what ever that is ha ha. the hard part is knowing that Iam not very smart, and seeing al you very smart people around me. so I tell my self not to worry,just to do my best. Its hard knowing when your best is not as good as every ones normal is better then your best.

    in reply to: ADHD and LDs #97252

    Post count: 546

    hi i found out from my assesment that I have six different areas along with my adhd. the most help I have found was at my local branch of learning desabilitiys ascoteation. sorry for the selling. they have been agreat help to me. good luck.

    in reply to: Long term side effects for older adults on stimulants… #97302

    Post count: 546

    I don’t know mutch ,but these drugs have been around for years. the only thing that has changed is the was they are released. having said that i think that if it makes life better and you can be in control of your life you still have a better life now. you really don’t now what the future will bring so if it helps,enjoy your life. these meds have been around for a very long time,so the next time you go to refill your meds ask some people there and i am sure someone will beable to give you the info you need to put your mind to rest. ps iam 47 and i would not want to give up my 108mg of concerta.

    in reply to: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass #92423

    Post count: 546

    hi i have ofen said this that i don’t know what to do. i can be good at many things , as long as its holding my intrest. if that goes iam at a loss once again. some days i feel like the mouse on the wheel. wondiring and wating to fall off.

    in reply to: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed #96172

    Post count: 546

    reading all these posted,it feels like we are all able to have an entrepreneural spirit. i have tried to run a few ventures that have failed due to lack of money,then all the stress of prodution and money to live and keep the biusness afloat . then when i would shift in to hyper focus and the phone would start to ring , people always looking for there money . so with that presure the anxiety and then the depretion. at that point it just a matter of time when i would shutdown and the focus and fugtion was gone . the only thing left was deep disspare.the last thingwas to try to forget and move on to sumthing new.this is a 1to2 year process. any one else find life to be like this.

    in reply to: WHY bother with a assessment? #95789

    Post count: 546

    hi reading these over and over is so helpful. I talked to my freind at the L .D.A of manitoba and asked her if she would read the report from my test and explan the results to me. she is so smart and very helpful,and does not talk down to me . so any way what they are saying is that i have six different disabilitys. seams that every thing from reading writing , spacal something or another and emothional and anxity and deprescion and some memory probems , this leaves me with a low IQ of 89. so now that i know all this iam not sure what to do next.the day after learning all this i got fired. so i told my wife that she should throw me out, because all i do is cost her to keep me.i have caused our morgage to go from a 17 year to a30 year term i would leave if ithought it would help her . she says she would worry if i was homless and living on the street. she has always had to work to make sure weall had a place to live and work. all the people she works with are all talking about retirment , she just trying to keep the bills current. she deserves a better life. i dont know what i sould do becides looking for a new job all ready started. some days my depretion is so bad iwould just like to die .but killing my self is not the last memory iwant to leave my family of me. so i push on i just dont know where too . thanks for leting me vent.

    in reply to: Short Temper #94549

    Post count: 546

    well, the trashman just got trashed or fired , well got into an arument 2 weeks ago i was thinking we had moved on. things have been going along well. i guess i was wrong. iwas asked if i would start early again today ,so isaid that was ok so i did my first load started my second load and the head shipper called and ask what hapend yesterday at one of my customers ii told him i had no problems as far as i was aware of. when i got back to the shop i got my truck ready to load went inside told the shiper i was ready to load and went to have coffee.because thats what the boss told me he wants me to do.so iam thinking its all good then the boss comes into the break room and ask my coworker if he could see him for a miuite, then comes back and ask to see me so i went with him to his office and he said close the door i said whats up . he says its not working for me. and i said whats not worrking he said this after the other day .ill have to let you go. i said thought we were past that and he said iam not o ok. i think the problem is the rest of the guys in the warhouse, in the last 2 weeks started to stand up for themseves, iguess the boss wanted to keep pushing the other guys around ,thats something he could not get away with me so out the door i went.

    in reply to: Blurting Things Out! #94637

    Post count: 546

    Iam out west so i cant be there if you all meet in T o but I would like to be a fly on the wall . i can invision merrymacs wild horses, and all the rest of the birlliant chatter taking place . in my mind i can hear it getting loud. LOL . i think if it hapens Rick needs to vidotape it so they have more footage for another film. ithink that will give some real insight into the working of the adhd mind in a free and excepting enviorment. Makes my hart race just thinking about it.

    in reply to: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed #96166

    Post count: 546

    hi I just got my report sent to me turns out i am borderline adhd with some learning difaculttes. and my adhd is found even when i am an 72mg of concerta. turns out according to all the test i have a a low side of average IQ. so what i have always thought is true that i am not very bright. iam SORRY . for my emoutional departure but with what the doc told me to what i understud i felt very lost. so once again I would like to join in the group. thanks

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