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This is called “synethesia”. It’s amazingly cool, and very common for people with brains like ours. It explains quite a bit just how we see the world differently.
REPORT ABUSEI understand that “frozen” state all too well. I think it comes from over thinking the situation. If I do “A”, then this could happen or maybe this, what about that, or factor in this. If I do “B”, that fixes the downfall of “A” in this respect, but then this will happen,…..blah, blah, blah. It’s like a computer with too many apps going and not enough RAM to cover it. We tend to spend more time trying to figure out what/how to do something than actually doing it. Lists, timelines, egg timers, sticky notes, coaches, etc. will all work for different individuals. Try some out and see what works for you. There is no right or wrong answer! Keep that in mind. It might be the one thing that can unfreeze you. Strive for “organized enough”, not “perfectly organized”.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 9, 2011 at 3:41 pm in reply to: recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering #98938Hey Jen- Here`s a thought….some of the local newspapers have opportunities for “guest” editorials. I propose you take a stab at it. You are funny and captivating. I would read your column!
REPORT ABUSEPussy Cat Dolls-When I Grow Up. I thought the lyric said “I want to have boobies”, when in reality it says, “I want to have groupies”. It made sense to me. We live in a time/culture when many are getting plastic surgery for anything and everything. This amused my teenage girls to no end. They can’t hear the song now without hearing “my” peculiar take on it.
REPORT ABUSEBookkeeper- numbers are pure and true. I always knew exactly what I had to do and never had to worry about second guessing myself.
Daycare- creatively finding ways to help kids learn how to get along, tie their shoes, eat peas, etc. Probably the best job I ever had.
REPORT ABUSEtoofat, you are an exceptionally wise human being. I love your posts!
REPORT ABUSENow that was funny!
REPORT ABUSEladyg-not to sound to paranoid, but if that post was directed at you, you have to ask yourself…Is there any circumstance in which this friend of yours should have ANY knowledge of your therapy with the person in her office? Not knowing how the confidentiality works in this office, so it would be hard to determine any breaches, but I would be a bit concerned about that maybe?
REPORT ABUSEat my local grocery store, I’m kinda known for not having my bank card with me. I know the cashiers were irritated, but they just jokingly ask to see the card before they start scanning, and I laughingly oblige! It hasn’t happened in a while now, thankfully!
REPORT ABUSEBorrowing one from my sister…..she had a habit of locking her keys in the car. One time she locked them in her car while it was running… the middle of road……close to a busy intersection……you get the picture.
REPORT ABUSETex- that’s priceless!
REPORT ABUSEWell, alcohol is legal and not very controlled(since pretty much anyone can get it) and I’m not sure of any medical benefits whatsoever. Nicotine and caffeine are also legal. These are all drugs that some of us have used to self–medicate and might still use even with “proper” ADD meds. I think JS is saying that it might be time for this “med” (pot) to also become “controlled” and available just like Ritalin is. As we all know, not every med works for everyone. Is it possible, that of those individuals that supposedly there are no ADD meds that will work for them, just haven’t tried what JS has tried?
My concern for you JS is that you believe and have even told your family that you have ADD (by the way, their support is great), but you haven’t been diagnosed. So to understand this, you have diagnosed yourself, and are self-medicating. That part, in my opinion is dangerous. I have no issues whatsoever with your choice of meds, or your belief that they should be legal and controlled, but the fact that you are essentially being your own doctor is a bit scary. Even doctors don’t diagnose themselves. Give it some thought.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2010 at 2:07 pm in reply to: 40 years old and seeking medication for the first time #98624Something to think about. I’ve read many posts from members who fear taking ADD meds and that is certainly their perogative, but in many cases, those same members mention that they’ve taken antidepressants, etc for years. I am in no way being judgemental, but rather curious to know, why we (as ADDers) fear the stimulants, but seem OK with the SSRI’s and others. If more people die taking aspirin in a year than the stimulants(according to the documentary), then why are we so afraid of a simple tool?
For myself, I did worry if I would be some kind of zombie (mostly since I wasn’t 100% sure that I had ADD when I first started meds.), but I really had nothing to worry about at all. I don’t feel stoned or super energized or anything like that. I feel calm. When I want to do “X”, I don’t get overwhelmed with all of the chaos in my head that hampers that motivation. Then on the flipside, when I have a cool idea, I’m able to take a second to do quick risk assessment, before I get myself in trouble.
I just thought this was interesting and was curious to know why.
REPORT ABUSE…….says “maybe” to every social invite, so I always have an “out”, if I forget about it or just can’t stand the thought of being there.
REPORT ABUSEThis thread has gotten me thinking. For the last many years, I too have felt “distracted” during sex. After many years of marriage (not all great), undiagnosed ADD, kids, etc. I assumed that was just what usually happened with two people who’ve been together so long. Or maybe I just didn’t love him anymore. We’ve had issues, most likely related to ADD, all along, but when I think back to the early years, some of the best times (read sex) was when there was a hint of danger involved. Maybe this too, was another ADD issue? They say you learn something new everyday. Hmmmmm, maybe time for some experimenting?