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Shadow Nexus

Shadow Nexus

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  • in reply to: Carrying a Guilt #104909

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    Pride is one thing we likely have in common as ADHD. We are too proud to admit we need help. Then you regret it later. Frasier(TV) which took this from wisdom, “It’s not the things we do in life that we regret most. It’s times where we didn’t even try.”

    “Too err is human.”

    “%&#@ happens, move on.” unknown

    You were to afraid do this and that. You make mistakes. We have all mountain of this baggage hidden away. Some baggage you can get rid of. Most you can’t. So, you have mountain of baggage. Live in the moment. You screwed up. Move on. Who I am telling this too? You, me, or both. ANSWER: both and all

    I should listen to my own advice. :)

    in reply to: What to replace anxiety with to get something done? #108601

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    Ritalin helps greatly to focus, but it’s not enough. Once my anxiety level gets too high, it becomes nearly impossible to think. Meditation will bring your emotional state back into balance. I use rituals specific to my spirituality, but there are plenty out there to choose from. More meds isn’t always better.

    in reply to: Going off meds #106497

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    I posted about going off meds. The positive affects outnumber the negative side effects. I’m on Ritalin. Maybe it’s both together that are causing the problem. Too high too fast. I’m just on Ritalin 20 mg. I’m studying the effect and what time I take them. I think you need to start over and take it slow. Work with your doctor.

    in reply to: What jobs have you enjoyed? #97231

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    I was really good with computers, but failed badly in getting any job in computer science. I won many awards. It didn’t fit in the corporate drone model they wanted. Later, I realized that the profession was leaving me empty.

    So, I took a film class. It like key fitting a lock, a strong click. I was like duck to water. I was at the top of my class. After that, still had the drone problem. My network wasn’t that great back then. Now, I finally have a good network. It took me a while to figure out the specific area. Going through studios was good idea for making money. I was taught the methods. I’d heard about how the studios had the creative control over your project. Your are a paid employee and they can fire you from your own project. ICK, watching them butcher my work and have no say. I’d rather be poor than sell my integrity for money . So, I decided on indie film maker. I make the rules and spend project money on what matters.

    For the first time in my life, I was thrilled to be going to a college class. It wasn’t work, it was fun. :]

    I have a steady income now, some other money making projects in the works. Soon, i’ll have lower rent apartment. More money! :)

    “Do what you love and get paid for it.” Unknown

    What will you choose?

    Make a ton of money at a job you hate. Get stressed from long hours at work. Dread every day you have to goto work. Feel depressed and empty. Worry about getting fired due to office politics. Worry about layoffs during an economic downturn, sure your the first person to go. Eat fast food all the time, since you don’t have time to eat healthy. Get worthless junk to keep up with the Jones and get into debt in the process. Worry about how your going to pay your large debt and bills. Later, die early from stress plus unhealthy eating related illnesses like heart disease, stroke, cancer, and others.

    Find a low stress job that makes enough to get by. Do your own independent projects and make some money. . Know that studies show you don’t get any happier above 75k per year. Yes, rich kiddies aren’t any happier than you. Most have an emptiness that makes them want more and more money. If they get that money, they are still empty. Today, I get up in the morning, getting excited and thrilled to be doing my job. I’m not going worry much about my moderate bills to pay. If make lots of money, that’s great. If I make some money, i’ll live better. Either way, i’ll be happy.

    IMHO, happiness guide:

    Do what you love and get paid for it.

    Realize true happiness doesn’t come from money.

    Live better and happier with less baggage.

    Teach others these rules.

    in reply to: first time on adhd meds #105271

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    I was so busy that I forgot to take it for a few days. I definitely noticed a difference. It was much harder to focus and I was yawning, a lot. I’m not going off the meds again! :)

    in reply to: Disability in the U.S.? #98483

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    I got on disability with ADHD. It was the cascade of affects it had on my life that got me on. The affects ADHD had on my life were severe enough. Use ADHD and everything combined together when you apply.

    in reply to: first impressions of you #107848

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    munchkin>The greatest thing in the world would be to just naturally be marketable without having to change anything about who you are. I held out as long as I could – beleeeeve me! But, alas, starving, homeless and to unable to make it to gigs reliably anymore, I had to be dragged kicking and screaming by a fellow musician to the restaurant job for a meal and a paycheck. No diagnosis, no disability – just insults thrown my way, self esteem crushed, and total devastation.

    sdwa>I’m thinking the best way to be “packaged” is through clothing and hairstyle, because stereotypes work – look at how Hollywood dresses the type of character you want to play in your real life, and you won’t be far off from how you’ll be perceived and judged. It is, of course, complete nonsense, but I guess that’s why there are image consultants. Maybe if you package yourself with the appropriate visual code, you can maintain your personality without worrying about it.

    You can be packaged and put into box. Good for you. However, this the lesson and evidence staring me in the face my whole life. I paid a heavy price for denying who I am. I’v gained wisdom and moved on.

    I did ten years plus seven years of trying to package myself for employers. I have box of 15 years of resume and job interviewing info. I picked up even more knowledge through experience. When I say, “I KNOW EVERYTHING(about it).” This not statement of ego or thinking I know more than do. I really do know everything about it. Seriously, I could teach a university semester class on it. So, i’v heard it all before many times over. You can’t help in that way. “Life is what happens when you make plans.” Life has other plans for me.

    There is a big difference between knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom has taught me not to deny what I am. Making that leap into the dark, the journey into entrepreneurship. Now, it’s a matter of walking into that entrepreneurship office and doing that audition.

    Scared crazy of either, hell ya. It will be like preparing for test in college. You get to point where you know your ready. You take the leap into the dark and wait for the results. I’m ready and walking through those doors. “When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.”

    There is a big difference between knowledge and wisdom

    in reply to: Do you feel like a dissapointment? #108107

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    I feel like a fool that I didn’t see job hunting as a futile waste of time. The truth was there staring me right in the face for many years. I feel disappointed in myself. I tried to be like everybody else. When I knew, I wasn’t like everybody else. Trying to be “normal”. I’m trying to let go, but it’s not easy.

    I knew I was “different” at an very early age. I was voted “most unique” by my high school class. I saw the world very differently than anyone else. You need to accept your limitations and strengths. Your not “normal” and average. You are extraordinary, get over it! :-)

    in reply to: WOW. This is mind blowing! #107934

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    dafiloola> Filmbuff1984: was it the adhd that you were able to get disability for. I’ve been trying to research it.

    My case was so extreme, I was fairly sure I would get it. It was about multiple complex issues. Bear in mind, you are severely restricted in term of how much you can earn. They allow up max limit of income to qualify. You can warn up to $65 per month, but after that they take half of any income you earn. Without section 8 or private low-income housing(USA), your basicly screwed. Food is a real problem, let alone basic bills. Rent is about 2/3 of it in CA. It will take about 3-5 years on waiting lists to get section 8. Private(if you can find it) low-income housing is just as bad. Medi-cal coverage is decent. Unless your rent is paid by someone else, it will be rough.


    Those medi-cal cuts directly effect those who can least afford it. If I go to public clinic, I pay nothing. I go a private doctor. I pay a $1 co-pay?? I said, “That cuts into my food budget. Why don’t you pay for it?” I get this smug, “No we can’t.” If your a doctor because of the money, you SHOULDN’T be a doctor! In general, co-pays discourages people from going to the doctor if they can’t afford it. The concept of co-payment is based on just plain greed by private insurance companies. Dumping people because they are costing the company too much money. Private insurance is about company and ceo greed. Lets go back to mid-evil era where only the rich had great healthcare. Wait were almost there! :p

    The poor class shouldn’t pay anything for health care. It’s the right thing to do. Why is “medical bills” an issue at all. Raising money to pay for that operation. This is just wrong.

    “They have high taxes”, but they have a great social safety net. And people wonder why we have the highest murder rate in the industrialized world?? Vote for people who will “Cut your taxes.” And people wonder why we have overcrowded classrooms and badly rated school system in the world? And people wonder why my house got robbed since the police don’t have enough people to my cover the area? And dam why are those fire trucks late? Etc. Were not a socialist country? hmmmm. Then why do have a police, fire, national parks, public roads. WE ARE ONE! geez. Socialized Medicine is not a dirty word.

    The Wisconsin anti-union mess, the people VOTED them into office. They are clearly anti-union. What did you think was going to happen??

    “Cut your taxes!” So, you can spend spend spend on all that worthless trash. Once your out of money, get into debt to get more worthless trash.

    Buying a house by getting into debt IS NOT a investment. Saving up to buy a house cash IS an investment. Debt is negative net-worth. For you non-business types. The value of all your assets minus all your debt. So, a house debt IS NOT an investment. I hate it when the media calls buying a house(via debt) an investment. For most, it’s making your net worth negative, NOT an investment.

    Through fancy lawyer tricks, the rich and corporations pay less taxes than the middle class and poor. Guess who we voted for who created that mess. Don’t even get me started on democrats. Third parties like, progressives, don’t win because WE DON’T VOTE FOR THEM!

    IMHO, most Americians are a mountain of stupid….

    WHAT IS THIS BS SOME AMERICAN SAY: Greatest country in the world?? We ranked really really really low. Norway is #1 They can truly say, “Were #1! Were #1! Were #1”

    Got off track a bit…. end rant

    in reply to: WOW. This is mind blowing! #107926

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    dafiloola> The longest job I ever had was 6 months! All the rest three days to three months. Yep, “we are family”.

    I have you beat. The longest was three months and that was one time. One month, one time. Three days, one time. That’s a total of three paying jobs in a lifetime. I’m so glad I woke up and smelled the rotten eggs. In 2008, I saw the light and realized job hunting was a futile waste of time. Now and for all time, “I’m done!” Got myself on disability and out my parents house. Wish I had seen the light earlier in life and not wasted so much time trying to be a corporate drone. I’m surviving to the next day, but at least now I have steady paycheck. :)

    FYI, Before my disability paycheck was lowered, I saved up for the computer.

    Need get that book written. ;)

    in reply to: ADD and Suicide? #106041

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    sugargremlin> filmbuff, looking to some free biblio or computer therapy.

    The privacy of that method is questionable. No thanks.

    billd>Did you get the meaning of “pay as you can afford” ? Apparently you’ve never used such a system.

    Low income- pay a little – WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD – meaning if you can’t afford – no pay. If you can afford to pay some, you pay some, it varies based on income, etc.No income- pay **nothing**

    Been looking for many years. Never ever seen one like that. All private ones cost something.

    >Who said one phone call?? Not me. Hey, I have taken advantage of said services, been there, done that. It was SESSIONS with a REAL person in person sitting across a desk from each other. Trust me, I’m a case myself –

    You don’t live in the USA. “We handle only the most severe cases.”(public) Point out one of these low-income(no cost) private services. Referrals to a free licensed psych. Sounds like something out of Hollywood feel good movie. ;)

    in reply to: first impressions of you #107845

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    munchkin>It is actually possible to learn the basic boxes people use and fit yourself to the box that will be more likely to get you what you want – there’s something yicky about it, but if that’s what you have to do to put a roof over your head, that’s what you’ve got to do. I agree it’s exhausting!

    I tried that for 10 years then 7 years. (yes, that hyperfocus made me ignore reason.) DOESN’T WORK! I can’t be packaged for employers, period. I learn that lesson and will NOT make that mistake again. Anyone else who can’t get a “regular job”. Suck in your pride and apply for disability.

    One reason people don’t succeed in entertainment they can be packaged. The people who can’t be packaged do succeed often since they think outside the box. Comedy is great. You speak your mind and get paid for it. There are skills, but you likely have them already. Speaking truths that “packaged” people would never utter. Your stuck on disability, what have you got to lose? Try entertainment.

    munchkin>I make a spectacle out of myself without even realizing it, and tell strangers way too much personal stuff.

    If you think I do those rants on impulse, think again. Those posts take up to 2hrs to enter(a topic for another day). I have lots of time to think about what I want to get across. Some topics in person, I won’t discuss. Most of the time, I tell things as they are, not what people want them to be.

    I think were more fearless than most. It’s hardwired as adhd. I remember saying as teen, “I don’t play by the rules, I make the rules.” I think were hardwired to be leaders. We made to stand out in a crowd, not blend into it.

    munchkin> I think the “first impression” is unconscious for people – a product of their upbringing and experience.

    It’s both. If your parents were racists, a rich person who thinks – “It’s poor fault for being poor.”, and various other forms of being shallow and selfish, you’ll likely be the same unless see yourself as flawed and become a better person. Our hard-wiring(evolution-genetic coding) is geared to fear anything that is different(not of my tribe). In the distance past, they were competition or a threat to you. Simply put we act like apes and don’t realize it.

    I was watching this teen kids show studying it(and sometimes enjoying it) to understand why it’s popular. I realized how very shallow, selfish, and lemmings the characters were. TV shows mirror society or what it should be(star trek). Usually, those teens grow up to be shallow, selfish, lemmings. Society feels the impact of these bad personalities.

    sugargremlin>sometimes we are wrong about what someone’s first impression of us is =P. for me, the first impression depends on the setting and the person. I range almost anything.

    That would describe me as well. “I am who i’m with.”, star trek – next gen episode about the female metamorph. Watch that episode. I see a lot of myself in her. When I mentioned, “That I have many faces. You never see them all.”, to someone online, I never heard from them since. Clearly, a “packaged” person who couldn’t handle my complex nature.

    If weren’t for my volunteer work encounters with selfless people, I’d believe the human race was hopeless. We deserved to wiped out by asteroid hit or gamma ray burst. I go sometimes just to remind myself that there is hope for humanity, social evolution.

    in reply to: Adjusting lifestyle to being on meds #107838

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    I can, see my blog, “first time on meds.” It’s like getting glasses for the first time. You see everything clearly. All these new details to look at. All this beauty to embrace . It’s overwhelming. Where to start? Make your list. What items are your most important first. Create it on a text document in an easy to find directory. As Nike(brand name) says, “Just do it!” 8)

    in reply to: first time on adhd meds #105270

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    I started taking the 20mg and used the remaining 10mg at night until it was gone. I’v been on the 20mg day and night for a while now. Taking it at midday works well. Taking the second pill after 6:00pm reeks havoc with my sleep. I’m sleeping an extra hour and another effect. So, I’ll be adjusting the time for night.

    in reply to: not had that "connection" in dating #107708

    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    If there are any others on here, please post. Being of one of two people isn’t enough. Else, don’t thanks.

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